I’ve recently created a new online resource for adults wishing to learn more about sexuality and how to create more erotic enjoyment in their lives. It’s called Joy of Making Love and it’s filled with reviews of terrific books, video and music that celebrate the joy of making love and the pleasures of erotic connection.
Here are some of the content areas of the website:
- Intimate Relationships and Relationship Advice, with resources on intimacy, sexual technique, BDSM, polyamory and swinging
- Erotic Education for Men – what men need to know for more erotic enjoyment
- Erotic Education for Women – how women can enjoy more fulfilling relationships
- Erotic Art, including erotic painting and drawing, erotic sculpture, erotic film and erotic photography
- Erotic Fiction – literary fiction, erotica and graphic novels
- Erotic Poetry
- The Joy of Making Love, celebrating the pleasures of erotic connection
- Erotic Lives including erotic memoirs and biographies
- Eroticism and Desire – how to reach your sexual potential
- The Science of Sex, books on sexual research and sexual science
- Sexual Fitness – how to be fit, strong and flexible to maximize erotic enjoyment
- Sexual Healing, including recovery from sexual abuse as well as how to utilize the healing powers of pleasure for personal growth and development
- Tantra and Sacred Sexuality, with subsections on sacred sex, Tantra, the Kama Sutra, Tao sex and sex magic
- Great Sex Education Videos – the best of sexuality education on video, including tips on sexual technique, sexual relationships, the joy of making love, Tantric sex and much more
- Erotic Music for Making Love, including music for ecstasy, touch and quiet times as well as music for dance and erotic movement
- Tantric Meditations – cds and video guided meditations for exploring the world of Tantra
I invite you to visit Joy of Making Love today and browse through the recommended resources. Sex is learned behavior in human beings, as opposed to being instinctual, as in animals. Most of us didn’t get an opportunity to learn all we needed and wanted to know before becoming sexually active as young adults. Joy of Making Love is a informative guide to the wide world of human erotic enjoyment and is a great resource for your learning, inspiration, and enhanced pleasure.